Speaker & Thought Leader
Knowledge is power.
Sharing knowledge is sharing power.
I’ve had the privilege to share my knowledge on topics such as design thinking, corporate innovation, venture building and ecosystem development with a spectrum of stakeholders that include government agencies, corporations, nonprofits, and universities. I’ve been invited to host panels, workshops and roundtables at tech events, culture festivals and corporate offsites to name a few.
Women Economic Empowerment
#SHE_BUILDS Moonshot Academy
Ten promising women entrepreneurs building solutions for a more sustainable and prosperous Haiti
Conakry : plusieurs femmes leaders de Guinée outillées par l’Ambassade des États-Unis
La Guinea Info, 2022
Festival Brings Together Women Entrepreneurs and Professionals to Discuss Future of Haiti
Haitian Times, 2019
She builds, le festival du future
Loop Haiti, 2019
She Builds the Future Festival, c’est ce week-end !
Le Nouvelliste, 2019
Spotlight on Shaina Silva, Founder of #SHE_BUILDS
Dofen News, Haiti 2019
Connecting women entrepreneurs to global opportunities & value chains
Spotlighting #womenwhobuild on International Women’s Month
Corporate Innovation
Accelerators speed development of promising food start-ups
Financial Times, 2018
What If David And Goliath Both Get To Win In The Food Fight?
Forbes, 2018
Catalyzing Startup Growth in the Global Marketplace: Running Pilots With Corporates
RocketSpace, 2018
Growing Africa’s Tech Ecosystem
Africa Startup Ecosystem & Linkages for Scale
Playable Smart City - Lagos Nigeria
Exploring smart city initiatives that incorporate that element of “citizens who play” in dynamic megacities like Lagos, Nigeria
Ready Set Work Program - Lagos, Nigeria
Preparing Nigerian Graduates for the Workforce
Building The Innovation Ecosystem in Haiti
US Embassy Tech Camp in Les Cayes, Haiti
US Embassy in Haiti, 2018
Google Launchpad Haiti Start Program
Google Launchpad Accelerator, 2018
Powerful Tech Influencers Descend upon Haiti
Black Enterprise, 2017
Developing a Cultural Tourism Roadmap
Tourism Innovation Summit, 2018
A Tech Summit as an Economic Development Tool
Babson Blog, 2018
Entrepreneurship & the Global Economy
Haiti Tech Summit 2017
Caribbean Innovation Ecosystem
How Tech Beach Is Helping To Unlock The Untapped Potential In The Caribbean
Blavity, 2018
30 under 30 Caribbean American Emerging Leaders & ChangeMakers
Institute of Caribbean Studies, 2016
Caribbean-American Youth Leadership Forum
InterAmerican Development Bank, 2011